
同数十家知名船公司签订了订舱代理协议,并与各大船公司建立了良好的合作关系;海运拼箱作为传统优势项目,现已开通全球30余个国际港口的直拼业务,并可满足客户发往世界各地的运送要求;已由上海海关和青岛海关批准获得海运集装箱拼箱进口分拨权,现年进出口量达6万标箱以上,除常规货物的运输外,还可提供干散货、件杂货、冷冻货、危险品、大件、私人行李等特种货物的运输服务。 The company offers all kinds of international freight forwarding services, such us import and export shipment by sea or air, combined transport by railway and inland water-ways,canvassing,space booking,warehousing ,transshipment,customs declaration, cargo inspection,insurance,freight charges accounting,consolidation and distribution,short haul,door to door service (FOT & FOG),as well as counseling service.
The company has standard foreign trade warehouse of 7,000m2 and standard container yard of 25,000 m2 ,and is equipped with complete mechanical facilities and private vehicle fleet.The company has staff with rich experience in international logistics and provides over 500 joint or single foreign enterprises located in Shanghai and the neighborhood with service of international shipping forwarding,customs decalaration and warehousing in the free trade zone.
With the tenet of “Service First, Credit Highest” ,we are willing to closely and heartily cooperate with all friends to create the best economic and social benefit.

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