
一直奉行“诚信为本,务实兴邦,专业高效,优质快捷”的服务宗旨,多年来深受广大客户的支持和信赖,“邦捷”服务覆盖深圳、香港、广州、东莞、湖南、厦门、上海、苏州、宁波等城市。国际代理网络遍及欧洲、美洲、东南亚及中东地区,并以香港、深圳、广州、澳门、珠海、上海国际机场及码头为依托,配合中港车接驳,充分利用港澳自由贸易区的优势,为客户提供选择多样,操作灵活中港物流及海空运服务,提供珠江三角洲、泛珠三角的优势物流服务。同时瞄准长三角中小型企业的新兴市场,提供配套陆运、仓储、报关、商检等一站式服务。并提供香港至内地200多个城市的海空运及拼箱业务,深圳、香港及国内主要机场、码头至世界各地的海空运服务。 Because of our ardent dedication and professional ethics, we have been identified as one of the leading players in the field of ocean freight, airfreight and logistics services in an international level. In a highly competitive scenario, Bestocean Logistics was able to show a steady graph of rapid growth in this industry.
Today we are one of the members of CGLN (WCA Family), WFN, CSCMP, SIFFA and SLA with a backing of experienced and professionally trained staffs spreading over the country.
With excellent relationship with Carriers, Customs, terminals and other local authorities, Bestocean Logistics provides efficient and cost-effective international freight solutions and multi-modal transportation services to our clients..
Focused on our customers’ needs, we provide integrated logistics solutions of outstanding quality and operational excellence. We are the extension of your business.

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